Saturday, November 14, 2009

Half a year old my little boy will turn six months old tomorrow. Six months of the best part of my life so far. It's so weird to think that it's only been six months- but then again it feels like yesterday that he was born. It seems that I fall more in love with him each and every day. I keep waiting for it to get routine- but it doesn't. My first thought in the morning is still, "Yay! Anson!" 

I know that many moms get sad with every size bigger they buy their little one, and that part is sad- to think how quickly they grow up- but he just keeps getting more fun with every stage. 
He's so animated and engaging now. He's also an attention hog. Literally, he will look all around a room and start smiling and cooing complete strangers. We cannot go anywhere without people stopping and talking to him. I didn't realize how much he thrived on this attention until we were at the doctor's office yesterday. Dr. Cooper was examining him and Anson simply couldn't stand the fact that Dr. Cooper wasn't smiling and talking to him. He intently stared at him and started cooing, smiling, and doing all his tricks. Dr. C wasn't deterred from his mission of listening to his lungs. Anson simply did not understand. What was wrong with this man? Finally, after the examination, Dr. C smiled at Anson and he was pacified...but it was kind of scary how intent he was on getting that attention. Do I have a future Broadway star? 

He now has two big teeth on the bottom row. Teething has been surprisingly easy so far. He gets a tiny bit fussy, but hardly anything anyone would even notice. He still sleeps well during the whole process and just wants something to chew. He's very strong and can stand up if he's holding onto something. He can sit up unsupported, but tends to fall over quickly because he lunges for some toy. He gets bored easily and has to be entertained all the time--a trait certainly inherited from Ben. I can already tell he's super intelligent--he notices EVERYTHING and is so curious. I anticipate he'll be a Rhodes Scholar. Weight is currently 20 lbs. 3 oz. and we need a new car seat. He's comfortably wearing 12 mo. clothing and rapidly outgrowing everything. His favorite foods are bananas and carrots. Here are some pics from our trip to Orlando- Anson got some new clothes!



We also had a great time during Halloween! We went over to the Zak's house and went trick-or-treating. We also took Anson and Leighton to the pumpkin patch. Here are some of those pics


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