So lately Anson has perfected and mastered what all the baby books deem "army crawling," a technique made altogether easier by our wood floors. He's been doing this for a few months now and I feared he would be content to continue on with it, as it enables him to quickly and accurately get anything that has the misfortune of gaining his attention. The poor dvd player has no idea what it did to offend Anson, but it continually gets abuse from him. Pippin has learned to fear for his life when Anson gets that gleam in his eye. However, the one thing that the army crawl did not afford Anson is height. So, after a combination of sitting, pulling up, rocking, and yelling, Anson has finally graduated to crawling on all fours. He's been teasing us with it for a couple of days- soaking up all of that mommy praise- and decided to just let it all out this morning. He took a tentative few "steps" for lack of a better term- towards me- and then tried to take off after a toy. Well, he's not quite that coordinated yet and bit it face first. But after a few seconds of frustrated screaming he decided he'd give it another go. I can literally see the cogs working in his brain as he realizes what his body will now allow him to do. He immediately starts looking around at all the places I scoop him up from when he gets too near (fireplace, outlets, poor abused dvd player) and that pippin-dreaded gleam alights his eyes! It is eerily similar to a look Ben gives me when he does things like driving through mud or randomly throwing food at me.
So here we are- at possibly the biggest milestone yet- and what do I do? Naturally. Cry. I guess it's one of those moments that will happen with frightening frequency as I grow older- the realization that I'm not the 17 year old that I am in my mind- the realization that I have a beautiful and perfect child who is changing as rapidly as life.
But the changes are fun and Ben and I are embracing each new thing. He now has four teeth- two on bottom and two on top. He's extremely vocal and has started the "mmmm" sound when he's mad. Ha! He wants mama more often now and won't sit with others as long- which of course is fine with me ;-) He's pitching royal tantrums when he doesn't get his way and Ben and I laugh until it hurts at his mad face. I'm sure we are psychologically scarring him. Last doctor's visit had him checking it at 21 lbs. 8 oz. So that's all for now- I fully expect for him to be a procrawler by next week, chasing me and the animals all over the house. I can't wait!
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